I explained the meaning of Kintsugi in my last post. As you can tell by my cover art, it may apply to the government. No spoiler alert, but gold can go two ways. Gold can represent the highest standards of performance; a golden standard, OR, Gold can represent Greed with a capital G.

Please cast your vote for your favorite book cover and, if you wish, give your thoughts on the two choices. All votes and comments should be posted in the comment section on my blog at egnerink.com. Deadline to vote is Friday, January 21st.



8 replies
  1. Courtney Cardwell
    Courtney Cardwell says:

    I like book cover #2. To me, it says that democracy is fragile and needs to be treated with care and respect or it could shatter. Can’t wait to read this next book in the series.

  2. RodgerDP
    RodgerDP says:

    #2 Living in Minnesota, the second cover depicts the brokenness found at nearly all levels of our State’s government.

  3. Jan Larson
    Jan Larson says:

    Hi Su, I like the 1st cover, however, the 2nd cover may be the best one as it depicts greed in the government and how fragile freedom is, especially during these times of unrest, Covid, etc. I have read Souls on Board, Book l, and loved it. I need need to get busy reading the rest. Best of luck, Su, you’re the best!!

  4. Kennedy Cardwell
    Kennedy Cardwell says:

    I think the colors work together better in the first, but the second definitely depicts the idea that our government is interwoven with greed using the gold analogy.


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