In researching information to build one of my characters in “North Star Tribe,” I stumbled across the subject of mycology and a fascinating scientist by the name of Paul Stamets. You may have seen characters named after him in the current television series of “Star Trek” and “Hannibal.” He has a movie on Netflix called “Fantastic Fungi. studyq=fantastic+fungi+netflix&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS732US732&oq=fntastic+gungi%3D&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i13i30l9“
Watch it. You’ll be amazed. For those who are not familiar with the word mycology, it’s the study of fungi which includes, yeast, mold, truffles, and mushrooms. There are many more ways to use mushrooms besides sauteed on a steak.
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