Entries by Susan Egner


I’m writing a new Casey Click novel that involves our newest item of apparel, the mask. Though controversial, the majority of citizens deem it an inconvenient but cautious requirement when intermixing with others of their species. But what else do masks conjure? Having grown up on cowboy shows where the bad guys wore masks, it’s […]

Looking for stories

While flying, I heard many stories, both from crew members and passengers, with the understood intent that I might incorporate them into books that I’m writing. However, now I am looking for specific subject matter. How has the pandemic changed your life in ways other than reported on the media. Personal experiences, both heartwarming or […]

A Brief Respite

We left a moderate winter in Minnesota for a brief respite in northern Florida. Having grown up in Florida, I knew it could be chilly this time of year. However, even 50’s would offer a nice change. We landed to a balmy 67 degrees and for the first week, the temperatures bounced around in the […]

Leaving sub-zero weather

Not sure of the age of my granddaughter the last time we went to the beach on the Gulf of Mexico but we’re leaving soon for another visit. This time she is one year away from college. I wonder if she’ll still feed the sea gulls and make sand castles.

New book is out

The new book, that I had hoped to have out by Halloween was published on the Day of the Dead. It’s strange to write about Wicca just as I was approaching Halloween. There are so many mixed messages in the holiday. Some don’t like it because they tie it to the devil which my research […]

Writing about Halloween number two

Let’s try this again. Halloween is a little over a month away and it’s a controversial holiday. Yes it dates back to pagan times when people believed that on All Hallowed’s Eve, the night before Halloween, the veil was very thin between those who had passed and those who still lived. Thus, that night they […]

Remembering my father

I posted this picture several years ago but I always enjoy the story. That’s my father holding the big Graphix camera. He was a reporter for the Florida Times Union and was covering President Eisenhower reviewing the troops on the US Saratoga aircraft carrier. Those old cameras used large flash-bulbs and while daddy was shooting […]

Is it over yet?

Being both a flight attendant and author, the pandemic has relieved me of flying duties and enhanced my opportunity to write, research and write some more. I have used the time to update my website and worked with a wonderful website developer, Nancy Hendrickson, to refresh and rebuild my site. I’ve also been working with […]

Destination Unknown

Destination Unknown – Book #6 in the Souls on Board Series by: Susan Egner Price: $3.99 Following early retirement, Casey Click joined the ranks of flight attendants working for Winterland Airlines, a regional airline based in Minnesota. In her third year, she was selected to be part of an elite few who would attend to […]