I explained the meaning of Kintsugi in my last post. As you can tell by my cover art, it may apply to the government. No spoiler alert, but gold can go two ways. Gold can represent the highest standards of performance; a golden standard, OR, Gold can represent Greed with a capital G.

Please cast your vote for your favorite book cover and, if you wish, give your thoughts on the two choices. All votes and comments should be posted in the comment section on my blog at egnerink.com. Deadline to vote is Friday, January 21st.



In an earlier post, I mentioned that Book 8 of the Souls On Board series will be coming out in February. Originally, the working title was Mask of Lies, but that’s been changed. It will now be titled “Capitol Gold.” Soon I will post two options for cover art for that book and would be interested in your vote. In preparation for that, let me explain the Japanese art of Kintsugi.

Kintsugi is both a philosophy and tradecraft. The latter involves repairing dishes using glue mixed with gold. Therefore, the fact that the dish was broken is very obvious in the finished work and cherished all the more.

Likewise, in real life, the Japanese believe the many harsh events in life that can break a person, can also refine a person. Those hardships are cherished as the hurdles that strengthened character and determination.

So, do I leave the Kintsugi streaks of gold in the cover art? You decide. Watch for my next post.

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Published as Book 6, Destination Unknown should have been published as Book 5, since it initiates Casey Click’s promotion to special assignments:

Assigned to celebrity charter flights, Casey Click receives specific training that includes her closest friends, Bonnie, Bertie and Kit. Because of the matter of confidentiality, they are sworn to secrecy. Her friends are delighted when Casey’s first celebrity charter is scheduled to carry Academy Award winning actress, Eve Jobert, to Jamaica to work on a film based on the White Witch of Rose Hall. Inviting her friends along, they discover that the infamous house is more than a museum about 100-year-old murders; it now spells horror.

Keep up with the Souls on Board series – follow my blog and please share it with your friends. If you haven’t started the Souls On Board series, please visit one of the websites below to get started reading. Reviews are appreciated.

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Newspaper reporter: I understand you are strongly opposed to hypnosis.

Kit: Not for everyone. Just for myself and anyone else who is highly suggestible.

Newspaper reporter: What do you mean?

Kit: It’s my belief that you should always have yourself under control. The same would apply to the use of alcohol, or, heaven forbid, drugs.

Newspaper reporter: You sound as if you’re speaking from personal experience.

Kit: I once was in a large audience of people attending a performance of a magician/hynotist. You know the kind, where they ask for volunteers from the audience and under a trance, have them barking like dogs or quacking like ducks.

Newspaper reporter: And did you volunteer?

Kit: Absolutely not.

Newspaper reporter: I don’t understand. What happened, if you didn’t volunteer?

Kit: That’s just it, the same commands he gave to the participants on stage, affected me in the same way, and who knows how many others in the audience.

Newspaper reporter: So were you quacking like a duck?

Kit: Something like that. It lasted for days.

Newspaper reporter: Excuse me for laughing, but was that so bad?

Kit: It might not have been, but the hypnotist actually planted two levels of commands. One was a simple one that had me scratching my head whenever I heard certain words. That sounds laughable, I agree.

Newspaper reporter: But it wasn’t funny?

Kit: Far from it. The hypnotist also planted a second, deeper command that made me want to go somewhere, but I didn’t know where. It turns out, the answer would have come from a phone call, his phone call, telling me to go somewhere. I would have been completely out of my own control.

Newspaper reporter: Did you ever receive that phone call?

Kit: No, but others did, and if you’ve read the paper recently, it led to fatal results.

Keep up with the Souls on Board series – follow my blog and please share it with your friends. If you haven’t started the Souls On Board series, please visit one of the websites below to get started reading. Reviews are appreciated.

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The word hypnosis comes from the Greek word “hupnos” meaning sleep and “osis” meaning state. Though hypnosis for most is a safe and relaxing form of therapy, to some it can have a dangerous impact of creating false memories. Memory itself is naturally plastic and can be molded, sometimes into false memories. In a deep state, a person can be totally unaware of his surroundings. Here’s an interesting article on GetDoc about hypnosis.

By the way, reading can take you into a similar state without the possibility of danger. Must be the reason I like to read so much.

Casey, like many of us, is fearful of hypnosis, but her friend Kit is a vulnerable subject. She completely loses all sense of her surroundings, her activities or her responses. Read IROP for more.

Keep up with the Souls on Board series – follow my blog and please share it with your friends. If you haven’t started the Souls On Board series, please visit one of the websites below to get started reading. Reviews are appreciated.

EgnerInk, Amazon, BN.com, Smashwords

In aviation, an IROP is similar to being groundstopped, meaning flights are cancelled or delayed due to weather, mechanical failure or crew logistics. Casey Click learns an IROP can be caused by local anomalies like moose obstructing runways or a cat escaping from its carrier on board the aircraft and dashing beneath the pilot’s pedals in the flight deck, causing a two-hour delay.

Or it can also be caused by something dark.

Keep up with the Souls on Board series – follow my blog and please share it with your friends. If you haven’t started the Souls On Board series, please visit one of the websites below to get started reading. Reviews are appreciated.

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In writing the Souls On Board series, I interviewed local authorities for additional information. Although it is highly irregular that the Agency would work with civilians in this manner today, it was once standard procedure that law enforcement and civilians worked together to fight crime and the potential danger to others. The following interview with Agent Krahl explains.

Newspaper reporter: How did you first meet flight attendant Casey Click?

Agent Krahl: We had an incident on board a flight that originated in Minneapolis, with a final destination in Denver.

Newspaper reporter: Can you share any details about that incident?

Agent Krahl: I cannot share details of the investigation. What I can share are the remarkable skills brought forth by civilians, primarily Casey Click and her closest friends, whose names must remain confidential.

Newspaper reporter: Can you describe these skills?

Krahl: Certainly. These women used their nascent investigative skills, going beyond what seems obvious upfront, continually searching for more information. It was like peeling back the skin of an onion until they revealed information we might never have found. It was an amazing act of citizen responsibility, without which, we’d still be back in Denver looking for clues.

Newspaper reporter: Are you saying that Ms. Click and her friends surpassed the investigative skills of the FBI?

Krahl: Without public input during any investigation, the process is slow and tedious. Ms. Click and her friends exploited their own curiosity to search for information. Each woman brought her own interpretation of the facts. They pieced these bits of information together to lead us to the perpetrator.

Newspaper reporter: Is there a lesson in this?

Krahl: The public sees more than they realize and could be of extraordinary assistance to us if they would share their observations. We live on this planet together and it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect one another from the actions of criminals. Stepping forward is a step of bravery and honor.

Newspaper reporter: Honor, sir?

Krahl: Turning a blind eye to criminal activities perpetuates the crime. It unwittingly makes you an accomplice. To say nothing, in effect, ties our hands. We can’t protect the general public without the public’s help. Women like Ms. Click and her friends are fearless advocates for justice.

Newspaper reporter: What would you suggest to the public?

Krahl: When out in public, be more aware of what’s going on around you, and around your neighborhood. Join a neighborhood watch group or citizens on patrol.


National Neighborhood Watch Institute

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I saw this image on the Internet and thought it perfectly captured the horror of human trafficking through air transportation. I’d love to give credit to the artist who created it.

Following is a letter I received from the founder of She Is Safe (SIS)

A colleague of mine met Susan Egner in her role as an airline flight attendant. Intrigued upon learning that she is also a published author (as she shared an overview of her latest mystery novel), he became convinced that we should become acquainted.

She Is Safe (SIS) is a Christian non-profit organization that I founded in 2002. We work to prevent, rescue, and restore women and girls from suffering abuse and exploitation in high-risk and least-reached places around the globe. This is accomplished by collaborating with local initiatives of education, economic empowerment, anti-trafficking, and advocacy.

Flight into Oblivion immediately impressed me because of its clear focus on the trafficking of women and girls. Sadly, 80% of all transnational victims are females. This book focuses on their plight as they encounter all forms of exploitation and slavery at the hands of those who profit from the trade. This is not simply another mystery novel: As Egner makes clear on her website, her characters face challenges and often undergo personal transformation as they confront issues in contemporary society. Her stories are about ordinary women and girls who are forced to face some of life’s most adverse circumstances. Egner takes readers on a dark journey where we lean forward to see if the paths of these women and girls will lead to individual freedom and personal empowerment.

Flight into Oblivion represents to me a nascent awareness in popular fiction of the scourge of human trafficking we face in the United States and around the world. I join with Susan in the belief that raising the level of awareness among people in all segments of society is important if we are to achieve our common goal of defeating those who would rob others of their dignity and freedom.

And it is brilliant that the title, Flight into Oblivion, tells the story in a nutshell: Girls and women are often transported on commercial airlines through major transportation hubs. We pass them in the terminals; we sit with them—and their captors—on the planes; we see nothing. The book cover depicts a passenger plane vanishing—into oblivion—just as the young girls and women who disappear right before the eyes of those of us who are unaware. This is a compelling mystery that unveils the wretched underbelly of human trafficking, that helps us to see as we’ve never seen before, and that makes us aware of events taking place right before our eyes. We are not likely to see things in the same way again!

Michele M. Rickett


She Is Safe

If you haven’t started the Souls on Board series, please visit our website at www.EgnerINK.com or any of the following sites for these and more books by Susan Egner.

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The airline surprised Casey when they scheduled her for training on human trafficking. After the training, she was staggered by how little she and her friends knew about the subject. Learn more before reading Flight Into Oblivion.

The following definition of Human Trafficking comes from the Department of Homeland Security website.

What Is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in the United States. It can happen in any community and victims can be of any age, race, gender, or nationality. Traffickers might use violence, manipulation, or false promises of well-paying jobs or romantic relationships to lure victims into trafficking situations.

If you haven’t started the Souls on Board series, please visit our website at www.EgnerINK.com or any of the following sites for these and more books by Susan Egner.

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3 lbs lean stew meat, coated with flour, salt and pepper

6 potatoes, cubed

6 carrots, scraped and cubed

Celery, if desired, cut in thick slices

2 small onions, whole

Apple cider to cover (Indian Summer apple cider best)

Brown meat in salad oil. Combine all ingredients; cover with cider. Simmer 3 hours on the stovetop or 5 hours in a crockpot. Remove onion before serving. Served best with Cornbread (Jiffy)

Great meal for a fall or winter evening. Enjoy!

Keep reading my blog for more recipes from Max. If you haven’t started the Souls on Board series, please visit our website at www.EgnerINK.com or any of the following sites for these and more books by Susan Egner.

Amazon, BN.com, Smashwords