The new book, that I had hoped to have out by Halloween was published on the Day of the Dead. It’s strange to write about Wicca just as I was approaching Halloween. There are so many mixed messages in the holiday. Some don’t like it because they tie it to the devil which my research hasn’t proved to be true. I’ve never looked at Halloween with any deeper meaning than kids having fun; dressing up in costumes, threatening a trick if they don’t get a treat. I’ve never known any trick-or-treating kids to mar the holiday with mean tricks or vandalism of any kind. Once in a while teenage boys smash a few pumpkins, but by Halloween, they’re getting pretty soft anyway. As we still work our way through Covid 19, it seems that a sense of humor might be life saving. How are we to continue to live our lives if we feel it will be devoid of humor forever? Though no trick-or-treaters came to our door, I heard that many attended specially contrived events to give them the same sense of fun–socially-distanced of course. I hope the costumes brought lots of giggles and suspect the candy brought a few belly aches. I hope you enjoy my new book and write a review. It’s most appreciated.